Missional Applications

The principles behind the Gray Matrix can be applied across a wide range of missional activities:

  • In General Ministry: Any Christian ministry needs to engage with the community and individuals it serves. For this reason it needs to be intentional in its focus and execution under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
  • In Media: The strengths and weaknesses of each medium need to be realistically understood so that they can be planned in concert with each other. With the ascendancy of media in the contemporary world they afford the best and most likely means of initiating contact and sowing the seeds of the Gospel. But with so much choice this does not happen spontaneously or without effort.
  • In Mission: Jesus’ command to his followers to ‘go’ constitutes the basis for the people of God going out into the world – locally, nationally and internationally, cross-culturally if necessary. But how?
  • In the Local Church: Our churches possibly accommodate a wide range of people: new believers and old-timers, young and old, male and female, poor and wealthy. As the community of believers they are all expected to have their needs met, to feel accepted and feel they belong. They also need to know they are listened too and that their opinions count. But how can these varied challenges be met – especially in a small church?
  • In Fund-raising: Surprisingly, maybe, the same principles apply as we raise funds to support our activities and those who engage in them on a full-time basis. How do we begin to develop a support base?

What is it useful for?

  1. For finding out where people are in their spiritual pilgrimage.
  2. For diagnosing how well current ministries are hitting – or missing – the mark
  3. For planning a balanced ministry or set of ministries –> Root issue: Knowing our Audience(s).
  4. For understanding the importance of relationship in communicating the Gospel