Here are some of the most popular questions:
  • What about the Holy Spirit?
  • Is there possibly a third dimension?
  • Should conversion be associated with change of heart rather than adequate knowledge?
  • Why should we try to analyse the process of conversion?
  • Do you have a book on the Gray Matrix?
Read on…..
  • What about the Holy Spirit? Indeed! We are not talking here about a manipulative process that we can control. As we acknowledge below, conversion is a spiritual process and the work of God’s Spirit in a person’s life…
  • Is there possibly a third dimension? It is fun to speculate on this. It is clear that there are other divine elements at work and we cannot simply boil conversion down to the right mix of knowledge and attitude alone.
    • Some might suggest that the wild card in all this is the Holy Spirit, who takes our rather pathetic efforts and helps make them powerful in a person’s understanding, thereby bringing conviction of the truth.
    • We might also make a case for wisdom being that element – and there is a good biblical basis for that.
    • Others have suggested that the third dimension is behaviour and actions, recognising that our beliefs and attitude should be evidenced in practical discipleship. Indeed some may find that being actively involved in Christian ventures may lead them to complete faith in Christ.
  • Should conversion be associated with change of heart rather than adequate knowledge? This is a good question and we have to assume that ultimately it is a combination of the two. We are also aware that people can have an open heart toward God and the Gospel without yet knowing Him.
  • Why should we try to analyse the process of conversion? The Matrix is more concerned with helping us understand the communication processes than it is with the theology of conversion. Conversion is essentially God’s work of grace in a person’s life. It cannot be measured or quantified – nor can it be bound by rules. But we do need to have a clear understanding of the part that we as communicators have to play. Biblical conversion is about faith and action, doing and being, living out the faith rather than just talking about it as we lovingly reflect God’s love in our own lives. People are real living, breathing  individuals with needs, hurts, anxieties, etc. They are not simply souls that need to be confronted with a set of facts.  If people do not accept our message we do not give up on them…
  • Can we re-use this material if we give due attribution? The contents of these pages are copyright but we are nevertheless happy for you to use these materials freely. However, in such instances we request that you give appropriate attribution to myself, Frank Gray, as author of this work.
  • Do you have a book on the Gray Matrix? Yes, a book will be ready for publication in April 2020. It is called The Gray Matrix Handbook and will be available on Amazon. It has 130pp.

What is it useful for?

  1. For finding out where people are in their spiritual pilgrimage.
  2. For diagnosing how well current ministries are hitting – or missing – the mark
  3. For planning a balanced ministry or set of ministries –> Root issue: Knowing our Audience(s).
  4. For understanding the importance of relationship in communicating the Gospel