A Third Dimension
Discussion is underway regarding the possible third dimension… It has already been hinted at (see FAQ) and has triggered some debate. But it never led to any changes to the basic two-dimensional Matrix.
Perhaps it it is now time to open up this debate and give serious thought to adding a third dimension.
There is strong support to suggest that the 3rd dimension is Behaviour. The work of the Holy Spirit has also been suggested, but that is not something we can plot! The Holy Spirit works to manage the totality of the process by which an individual comes to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and comes into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Behaviour is related to discipleship and is the outward evidence of spiritual new birth. Some have even suggested that by changing a person’s behaviour will lead to a changed attitude and belief. This may be true for many and should not be ruled out.
Share your thoughts below if you wish to engage with this discussion…
I am afraid that we might be in danger of mixing inputs with outputs. The x and y axes identify two dimensions that contribute to a person moving forward in their spiritual pilgrimage toward Jesus and into a relationship with him. If we add Behaviour we are primarily looking at an output – or evidence. If so, we are in danger of confusing the roles of the various elements…
The Matrix also plays a secondary role – for tracking and diagnostics. It can be used to plot progress and provide evidence of successful (or unsuccessful) interventions. It is therefore in this area that Behaviour could add a very significant dimension – and also finds biblical support (‘You will know them by their fruits’ – Matt 7:16). Several agencies are known to have found TGM useful for this purpose of tracking.
Hmmm. it could be seen that way. But I also think of the preaching of Jesus, and so much of it on the surface talks about actions—going the extra mile, turning the cheek, giving in secret, etc. Doing these behaviors affect my heart, most definetly.
What do the behavioral sciences say about emotions following action, or vice versa?
Educationalist, Dr Ted Ward of Biola and Michigan State U, was a leading proponent of changing behaviour first and this will lay the groundwork for a changed attitude.
Yes, we at the Center for Bible Engagement agree that a third dimension is critical to add to the Gray Matrix (which we feel is an excellent framework).
In fact we are working on a fourth dimension as well that allows for the influence of the Holy Spirit!
Thanks for setting this up. It could become a useful forum for discussion. We just need to point people towards it…